Well Hello Sunshine, yes you've finally come out and shown you face. So much for Queenslands saying "Sunny one day, Perfect the next". I so needed you, two days ago when I had take a shot of my LO so I could get them posted. I'm guessing you will be gone again next week when I will need you for that job again.
I have been blog hopping in my spare time, not that I've had much, to see what others post on their blogs. whilst I have enjoyed reading some blogs it hasn't helped me in deciding how to organise my own. So at the moment whilst I'm still trying to figure that out I will just stick with posting my LO's that I have been doing for Color Combo Galore.
I have really been enjoying this ning site, Its great if you like playing with more color on your pages and the inspirational pictures that come with it are simply that "Inspirational". I also like how they have included a technique to use your page, for me its been good to go back and use techniques I haven't used for ages. I also had the pleasure of being asked to be Guest Member for the week, now that was interesting. Still had my Challenge to complete for that week and rather than waiting until Friday for the new weekly post I had to also get another LO ready in time for the new weekly reveal. Poor Janet who runs the whole kit and caboodle, don't ask me how, pretty much on her own, had a small hiccup with photobucket which then gave me time to get my image through to her on time. It feels a little weird not having a challenge to do now, will have to now wait until next Friday...LOL Maybe I should clean my scrapping place since I have used every available clean space up. Anyway This is both last weeks and this weeks LO's that I complete.