I finally finished "The Color Room Challenge 25" and had it uploaded by Wednesday afternoon, that is a total of 2 layouts completed this week. Although I sometimes wonder why I bother. The answer to that was more about organising my time and completing more than one layout every couple of weeks, so far I have been managing 2 -3 depending on what happens in my life.
However since this is my blog, I feel that I can express my disappointment to see layouts selected that do not predominately use the colors in the Palette. You would think if you joined a sight you would bother reading the "Play Rules". Whilst I understand some artist use their artist rights and don't bother sticking to these rules, then they shouldn't obviously expect to be selected. Apparently this is not the case, do I care, not really, but it is disappointing to see so many beautiful layouts passed by and not selected when they meet the criteria better than those selected. I mean do they print of the colours, start their layout and think to themselves that the colour in the palette is not working so I will just select another. For example purple grape, how do you come to the conclusion raspberry is the same substitute. I know for me personally it takes quite a while to find the colours in the palette and yes sometimes another colour would go better, but I stick to the colours that I have been given. It would just be nice to see others do the same. What is even harder to decipher the colours is when DT member put the layouts up and the colours also are not the same as the palette, of course then others are going to think they can add whatever colour they choose. Hence the confusement.
Not too mention the trend I'm starting to see that Design Team Members also have their favourites and seem to pick these members layouts often. Don't get me wrong, Im not saying that these layouts are not worthy, however shouldn't they also have to stick to the palette, and sometimes their layouts look like the one that was selected before just a different colour. Click on their albums and see them as a whole, and you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
Anyway their rules of play states the following: "You will need to use
each colour in the revealed palette (you
can add base colours of white, black or kraft) to be considered for a RAK or a Spotlight Feature", and yet for some artist these rules do not apply, even the Design Team Members don't meet the criteria. I can see why members lose interest after playing along for a few months and see the same members selected. Oh well nothing new here in the scrapbooking world..
But to all those scrappers that do stick with the plan, I would like to congratulate you on your beautiful layouts.... just my thought.